• The tour is always held on the last weekend in October on Friday through Sunday.

  • Local artists who live and work along the Brawley School Road corridor open their studios to welcome visitors during the three day tour. Community sites may also be used to host visiting artists.

  • Approximately 20 artists representing a variety of media show and sell their work. Many artists return from year to year, but there are also new artists featured each year.

  • Maps showing the locations of the open studio sites will be available on our website and social media accounts. Each site displays the work of the host artist along with participating guest artists.

  • The time visitors spend enjoying each studio varies depending on their interests, but we suggest having at least a half day to visit all of the sites and meet our artists.

  • Click on the “How to become a participating artist” button on this page to find the prospectus and application to learn more. You may also select the “Contact Us” link to email your questions.